#Human courage  #Humans

#HumanCourage: Otto Storm

Otto is a visionary, an idea machine, and a history fanatic. He knows his weak spots but chooses to focus on his strengths. That’s his advice to us all: Forget what society tells you, explore your strengths and focus on developing those.

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#Documentaries  #Humans

Everybody on a Mission: Denge

We believe that everybody is on a mission. That everybody wants to add value but oftentimes don't know where or how to begin. Here's an example of one such person: Denge, Project Manager Amref Health Africa - Water & Sanitation.

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#Leadership  #Humans  #Social impact

What makes people tick, an interview with Lesley Cordial

In this interview we get to grips with what Lesley Cordial's personal drive is to push these leadership programmes forward within FrieslandCampina. We talk personal missions, the intrinsic needs of human beings, and the need for sustainable businesses.

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#Humans  #Leadership  #Social impact

Why one woman is raising her voice

Lucy von Sturmer is the founder of The Humblebrag, an impact-driven thought leadership agency committed to business as a force for good. She is dedicated to help change-makers, game-changers and creative innovators to raise their voice, and in a one hour phone conversation, we talked about her deep connection with nature, the consumption generation, and the importance of having bold and brave leaders to help save life on Earth. 

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#Humans  #Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion, more than just ticking a box

Diversity Officers are everywhere; organisations deem themselves diverse and inclusive; and token minorities are used to add pretence to the average marketing campaign. To find out what being diverse and inclusive really means, we sat down with Nava Hinrichs, Head of Executive Education & Capacity Building in Migration at Maastricht University and all-round Diversity & Inclusion expert.

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#Humans  #Leadership  #Social entrepreneurship

Why one woman became a business activist

In 2008 Annemarie de Jong, now owner and CEO of Better Future, jumped ship. With 15 years of experience in leadership and working at De Baak, we’re curious what inspired her to become the business activist she is today.

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#Humans  #Leadership

Toekomstperspectief, de morele plicht van leiders

In een overvol Dauphine interview ik op een dinsdagochtend in januari Jo Caudron, gekend internetondernemer en digitale bedrijvendokter bij het Belgische Scopernia (voormalig Duval Union Consulting). Hij praat over zijn nieuwe boek: De wereld is rond. Het vervolg op zijn eerdere boek over digitale transformatie waarmee hij zich op het bedrijfsleven richtte. Nu strekt zijn boodschap verder.

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#Documentaries  #Humans

Everybody on a Mission: Agnes

We believe that everybody is on a mission. That everybody wants to add value but oftentimes don't know where or how to begin. Here's an example of one such person: Agnes Schrijver, HR director at de Volksbank.

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#Humans  #Documentaries

Everybody on a Mission: Bernard

We believe that everybody is on a mission. That everybody wants to add value but oftentimes don't know where or how to begin. Here's an example of one such person: Bernard Verburg, CEO of MegaGroup.

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#Documentaries  #Humans

Everybody on a Mission: Navya

We believe that everybody is on a mission. That everybody wants to add value but oftentimes don't know where or how to begin. Here's an example of one such person: Navya R., Community Worker at Buzz Women.

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#Documentaries  #Humans

Everybody on a Mission: Uthara

We believe that everybody is on a mission. That everybody wants to add value but oftentimes don't know where or how to begin. Here's an example of one such person: Uthara Narayanan, Chief Changemaker at Buzz Women.

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#Humans  #Documentaries

Everybody on a Mission: David

We believe that everybody is on a mission. That everybody wants to add value but oftentimes don't know where or how to begin. Here's an example of one such person: David Palmeres, the son of the Chief of Ole Nina Community.

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